Note: Roots Of Exile was unable to make it(due to a baby being born from what I heard).
No Resistance got the job of replacing Roots Of Exile, who had a few fans in the audience that night. They definitely rose to the occasion, they played fast, tight, and got the first pit of the night! They were promoting their new album on Koi Records, who had a merch table at the show, by playing some newer songs that were written as recent as that afternoon. By the end of their set everyone had migrated to the end stage.
The Hollowpoints put on a great performance, for their first Houston show ever. They had great sing along type songs, with blazing fast speed. They played a cover(which I'm ashamed I didn't recognize) that got some audience members storming the stage to join in. The Hollowpoints put on an amazing show.
The Business made their way onto the stage while an Indiana Jones-esque introduction song reached it's height. It was entirely drowned out by cheers once the band had fully made it to the stage. They quickly broke into "Real Enemy", and from there on the floor was in a perpetual pit like state. With each song the band got more intense, and the crowd got louder. They played through a range of songs like: "Guinness Boys", "Southgate", "The Employer's Blacklist", "Loud, Proud, And Punk", "Hardcore Hooligan", and "Smash The Discos". After which they slowed down briefly to announce they had one more song, "Harry May". Most people were so content with what they had seen most began to leave, but the die hard fans demanded an encore. Once the band complied by blasting "Suburban Rebels", all who left immediately flooded back in. They ended on "Drinking And Driving", which had assisted vocals from nearly the entire crowd!