Before Dishonor was definitely one of the highlights of the night. They had a stage presence, and they attracted the crowd's attention at the first note's chime. They played fast, hard, and just all out ballistic. They are a band that is best to see live for yourself, because words just won't convey the power of this band... With a new CD coming later this year, I'd easily say that Before Dishonor could become a new star on the Texas Punk map.
The Fuct were really energetic Hardcore with a ranging sound, that gave a rarely found uniqueness to each song. They got the first pit of the night thanks to their singer jumping in and starting one himself. Their singer was constantly moving, keeping the crowd constantly immersed in the show. He'd share the mic and encourage people to join for choruses.
Roots Of Exile played their first set without Nikki(though she wasn't far, watching the band from the merch table), and though it took a bit of getting used to it was probably the best they've ever played. Everyone seemed especially high-energy, and intense for their headline show. Greg got the crowd really hyper, after a few moments of playing there were fists in the air, people screaming, and a crowd running for the microphone any time he bent down into the audience. Their set featured: "Chosen Destiny", "Houston Dynamo", "Roots Of Exile", a quick cover of the Bouncing Souls "Ole", and more.
Come on people!! Go see the Pictures!