Stop in and see the tale of OC's finest and most influential Punks.
Talk Sick Brats tore through their set in a raw unrelenting manner. Imagine The quirk and pop of the Ramones being trudged through every last piece of grit and dirt the punk like has to offer. Raw, dirty, yet tight Punk topped with off-the-wall song topics like "Public Masturbation". The Talk Sick Brats always but on a show, and are a must-see of the Houston scene.
Conflikto is a Spanish hardcore punk band. They barreled through en espanol set filled with blistering guitar for pits, but also laden with hooks that gave each song a memorably melodic quality. Also included was a cover of The Casualties' "Soldado"("Unkown Soldier" in Spanish). Granted I myself was stuck on one end of the language barrier, but regardless, it was an amazing set and speaks as a testament how music can be a truly universal language. Conflikto is a band great for enjoyment by any Punk.
Fuska put on an amazingly energetic set, holding the stage with their intense ska-core and stage work. From the blistering hardcore moments to the stop on a dime ska, the crowd usually mirrored the band for every moment with a swirling pit instantly breaking out into skanking. If there's one thing Fuska is known for, it's a great show. Their frontman commands the stage well, though every member finds a way to keep moving with the ska beat as well(even if it requires lifting an entire keyboard on end).
D.I. took the stage after what had already been a long night of fine Punk Rock, but none-the-less they managed to work the crowd into a frenzy between the intense So-Cal Punk speed, and melody, and frontman Casey Royer's, famously entertaining personality on-stage. Starting with a cover of the classical "Tocotta in Dm"(you may know it as that organ song you hear at Halloween). From there they broke into the recent hit "On The Western Front", and then the classic tension-filled "Imminent War". The night continued to feature the band bouncing between their most recent gems like "Voices", "Surf Punks In The U.S.A.", and "Hypochristian"(the latter two being off their brand new "United We Slam" EP), and their most classic songs like "Hang Ten In East Berlin", "Falling Out", and "Stick To Your Guns".
Highlights include performances of "Amoeba"(originally performed in Royer's prior band The Adolescents), which got the crowd thrashing without restraint, and "Johnny's Got A Problem" which had the audience nearly hysterical shouting along. Eventually the band neared the end of their set, and ran through their best classics like "Richard Hung Himself", which is always crowd pleaser, "Guns", and the ripping fast "Youth In Asia", which featured a humorous break to tease the fans right before beginning the faster, vocal portion of the song.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, the rabid crowd demanded an encore, which the band happily obliged. They ran through the opening songs to their first and second album "OC Life", and "Pervert Nurse", which brought the night to an amazing while slightly ironic close.
Now move along and take a look for yourself at Orange County's finest in the Pictures!