As soon as the first Track starts They burst out full force! No beating around the bush, just relentless, raw energy. I've never seen a band so chaotic and wildly energetic as The Skeemin' NoGoods, and yet they play extremely tight. Their Self-Titled CD slams through 27 minutes of songs with a mixture of Rock, Punk, and sometimes a bit of Rock-A-Billy too.
Once you put in the CD get ready to get down, get up, Mosh around, tear apart your house, realize the record's still playing, and subsequently tear down your neighbors house.
(Note: We here at Tx Punk do not condone tearing down your neighbors house, or even your own. We do, however find it hilarious, if you intended do any of the mentioned things)
Personal Favorites include "I Want Something", and "Gimme The Gas"
1. I Want Something
2. Politicians
3. Punch the Clock
4. State of Grace
5. Downtown
6. Gimme the Gas
7. Supercharged
8. I Don’t Like You
9. Lot To Answer To
10. Little Alex
11. No Ties